
  • recebedor:
  • Nome: (Se você encontrar qualquer problema, por favor, entre em contato conosco)
  • Apelido: (Se você encontrar qualquer problema, por favor, entre em contato conosco)
  • Endereço: HONG KONG
  • Tel No: 00852 53172989
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  • Depois de pago, por favor, e-mail-nos sobre a sua informação de pagamento, incluindo o MTCN, a quantidade de transferência (EURO / USD), o nome do remetente e seu endereço de faturamento:
  • Money Transfer / Control No:
  • Seu Nome:
  • Seu Apelido:
  • Sua Tel No:
  • Seu endereço:
  • O seu CEP:
  • valor:
  • FAQ: Como pagar via Western Union?
  • 1.Transfer em um local agente da Western Union, você pode visitar: para descobrir qual deles é o mais próximo e preencher um formulário, em seguida, envie um email para nós sobre informações de pagamento: MTCN, o nome do remetente (Nome, Sobrenome ), valor total (EURO) que deseja transferir e endereço / remetente faturamento país.
  • 2. Pague online Por enquanto, a transferência on-line da Western Union é apoiado pela Austrália, Áustria, Canadá, França, Alemanha, Irlanda, Itália, Holanda, Nova Zelândia, Noruega, Espanha, Suécia, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos. Os passos são
  • (1) Acesse o site casa da união ocidental: Escolha o seu país.
  • (2) Entre a sua conta Western Union ou criar uma nova conta para novos usuários.
  • (3) Clique em "enviar dinheiro", em seguida, preencher o formulário de transferência de dinheiro, clique em "continuar".
  • (4) Preencha o formulário com seus dados (endereço de cobrança, nome, número de telefone e número do seu cartão).
  • User: Joanna Riggs
    Time: 2024-12-10 22:53:30
  • Content: Hi, I just visited and wondered if you'd ever thought about having an engaging video to explain what you do? Our prices start from just $195. Let me know if you're interested in seeing samples of our previous work. Regards, Joanna
  • Admin_reply:

  • User: Katelyn Raiden
    Time: 2024-11-27 16:42:38
  • Content: Hi there, We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 700-1500+ subscribers per month. - People subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos, increasing likes, comments and interaction. - All actions are made manually by our team. We do not use any 'bots'. The price is just $60 (USD) per month, and we can start immediately. If you have any questions, let me know, and we can discuss further. Kind Regards, Katelyn
  • Admin_reply:

  • User: Felicity Sauncho
    Time: 2024-11-16 15:33:32
  • Content: Hi there, We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 700-1500+ subscribers per month. - People subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos, increasing likes, comments and interaction. - All actions are made manually by our team. We do not use any 'bots'. The price is just $60 (USD) per month, and we can start immediately. If you have any questions, let me know, and we can discuss further. Kind Regards, Felicity
  • Admin_reply:

  • User: Katelyn Raiden
    Time: 2024-11-02 03:43:24
  • Content: Hi there, We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 700-1500+ subscribers per month. - People subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos, increasing likes, comments and interaction. - All actions are made manually by our team. We do not use any 'bots'. The price is just $60 (USD) per month, and we can start immediately. If you have any questions, let me know, and we can discuss further. Kind Regards, Katelyn
  • Admin_reply:

  • User: Katelyn Raiden
    Time: 2024-10-13 06:43:51
  • Content: Hi there, We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically. - We guarantee to gain you 700-1500+ subscribers per month. - People subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos, increasing likes, comments and interaction. - All actions are made manually by our team. We do not use any 'bots'. The price is just $60 (USD) per month, and we can start immediately. If you have any questions, let me know, and we can discuss further. Kind Regards, Katelyn
  • Admin_reply:

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